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Learn interesting facts about topics such as health or nutrition as well as exciting and helpful tips & tricks about your animal roommates!

To the advisor
bunny RatDream basic
  • Cheese & Chicken
    High quality supply of animal protein
  • Linseed & pumpkin seeds
    Valuable protein, unsaturated fatty acids & essential amino acids
  • Vegetables
    Active vital substances
  • Balanced long-life formula
    All components are important and correctly dosed
  • Selected ingredients from the home of the rats
    Among others spelt, oats & wheat
  • Species-appropriate variety
    Promotes natural behaviour


With heart & mind for your animals

For small animals

We walk the path together

We are at your side with a professional team of veterinarians and consultants. With heart and mind we are there for you. We find the best solution for the well-being of your animal and take time for your questions.

Premium quality

We source our carefully selected products according to the strictest quality requirements and thus with the highest standards for the animal.

High acceptance

The most important thing about dog and cat food is the taste. After all, what's the point of the best, healthiest food if your four-legged friend refuses it? The use of high-quality raw materials, different production methods or kibble shapes and carefully developed recipes ensure that the meals are also eaten with pleasure.


Ein Alleinfuttermittel ist laut Futtermittelverordnung dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass bei alleiniger Fütterung das Tier mit allen notwendigen Nährstoffen versorgt ist. Eine Zufütterung von anderen Produkten ist aus ernährungsphysiologischer Sicht nicht notwendig, da die Ration bedarfsdeckend ist.<br>

    bunny - Holistic approach

    Bunny Nature's concept is to take a holistic view of the animals, to recognise their nutritional and physiological needs and to adapt your pet's diet accordingly.

    Through constant research and exploration of natural habitats, new findings are incorporated into the composition of a wide variety of recipes. Bunny Nature offers a wide range of products, from complete feeds and snacks to bedding and accessories.

    To the manufacturer
    • Ingredients


      Complete feed
      Hafer, Mais, Weizen, Gerste, Weizenkleie, Gerstenflocken, Sonnenblumenextraktionsschrot, Maisflocken, Erbsenflocken, Dinkelflocken, Leinsamen (4%), Kürbiskerne (4%), Luzerne, Weizenflocken, Calciumcarbonat, Karotten, Biertreber, Paprika, Möhrentrester, Bierhefe, Spitzwegerich, Inulin, Hühnerfleisch (0,5%), Käse (0,5%), Kamillenblüten, Apfel, Rote Bete, Johannisbrot. (Gemüse 8%).
      Analytical components
      Protein 14,3 % Fat content 5 %
      Crude fiber 6,8 % Crude ash 5,5 %
      Calcium 0,6 % Phosphorus 0,44 %

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    Type of animal: Mouse & Rat
    Fodder: Chuck
    Fodder type: Complete feed
    Animal: Small Animal
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