The Y-leash bike and scooter leash from the Black One series is equipped with a particularly innovative shock absorber. It hardly reacts while riding, but offers sufficient reserve in case of a jerk or crash to avoid injuring the dog. Depending on the size of the dog, the appropriate shock absorber should be selected. The size L shock absorber is best suited for particularly heavy and strong dogs, dogs with less than light weight should be ridden with the size M shock absorber.
Selecting the optimal shock absorber results in a very direct transmission of the traction force. Experienced riders can thus gain an advantage on trails.
For best visibility even in poor visibility conditions, the leash has reflective stripes throughout. This significantly increases the safety of dog and rider.
The double pull line is placed directly around the head tube and does not need any slack, as the jerk absorber must not lie in the line guide of the aerial.
For the scooter line, you can choose between a small or large brass carabiner. This is looped into the line and can therefore be easily replaced in case of breakage or wear. The Double leash is available in 2.5 or 2.75 m lengths.
All Sledwork products are Made in Germany and are handmade in Burladingen/Baden-Württemberg.