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Learn interesting facts about topics such as health or nutrition as well as exciting and helpful tips & tricks about your animal roommates!

To the advisor
Gimcat Cat Grass Hydro

Cats need fresh greenery as a food supplement. They like to get this green from indoor plants. However, they can cause severe poisoning to the cat due to the content of essential oils or pesticides.

Avoid this by giving your cat GimCat Hydro-Grass.

GimCat Hydro-Grass contains the grass that the cat needs to choke out swallowed hair. Please note that in the cold season a pad of newspaper or similar is important as windowsills can be very cold. Metal windows also radiate cold. This in turn is not conducive to the growth of the grass.

The growth period is strongly dependent on light and temperature conditions and therefore there can be different growth times (approx. 5-8 days).

Provide a constant supply of fresh grass and your cat will thank you by being healthy and comfortable.


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With heart & mind for your cat

100% Single Protein - Vegetarian

Vegetarisch bedeutet gezielt der Verzicht auf Fleisch oder Fisch in der Ernährung. Im Gegensatz zu einer veganen Ernährungsform können dabei jedoch z.B. Eier oder Milchprodukte zum Einsatz kommen. Bei Unverträglichkeiten gegen bestimmte tierische Eiweißquellen kann eine vegetarische Ernährung beim Hund durchaus sinnvoll sein. Katzen hingegen können auf Dauer nicht gesund fleischlos ernährt werden.

We walk the path together

We are at your side with a professional team of veterinarians and consultants. With heart and mind we are there for you. We find the best solution for the well-being of your animal and take time for your questions.

Premium quality

We source our carefully selected products according to the strictest quality requirements and thus with the highest standards for the animal.

We are from Austria

We are an Austrian company with a long tradition. For over 25 years we have been developing pet food as well as premium accessories with heart and passion. We come from Austria - where the origin determines our future.

    Gimborn - Harmony between humans and animals

    Our motivation is the harmonious coexistence of humans and animals. With GimCat, Biokat's and GimDog, we have established three strong brands that specifically address this. And we are constantly developing further.

    In addition, we take responsibility. We are committed to the preservation of biodiversity, the care of our cultural and landscape areas and the careful treatment of our environment.

    To the manufacturer
    • Ingredients


      1. So einfach geht's: Füllen Sie die Grasschale einmal randvoll mit lauwarmem Wasser. Das Wasser sollte gleichmäßig über den Inhalt verteilt werden, so dass der Schaleninhalt und das eingefüllte Wasser den Schalenrand erreichen. Bitte kein Wasser ausschütten, denn nach wenigen Minuten haben die wasserspeichernden Hydro-Körnchen bereits das gesamte Wasser aufgenommen! 
       2. Stellen Sie die Schale an einen hellen und warmen Ort (z.B. Fensterbank). Extreme Hitzeeinwirkung (direkte Sonneneinstrahlung, Heizkörper, etc.) sind zu vermeiden. 
      3. Nach 5-8 Tagen wird das Hydro-Gras eine Höhe von etwa 5 cm erreicht haben. Damit es länger frisch bleibt und die volle Grasdichte erreicht, sollten Sie jetzt nochmals 1 Tasse Wasser (ca. 150 ml) über das Gras verteilen. Danach können Sie Ihre Katze damit verwöhnen.

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    body size: Medi 3 - 5 kg, Maxi over 5 kg, Mini up to 3 kg
    life phase: Adult, Pregnancy, Kitten & Junior, Senior
    Protein Source: Vegetarian
    Art: Cat grass
    Animal: Cat

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