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XXL Ostrich Bone

Ostrich bone XXL

The huge ostrich bone (approx. 30cm long) guarantees long chewing pleasure and cares for teeth and gums in a gentle and natural way. Unlike bones from cattle and other animals, ostrich bones are very light and therefore much gentler on the teeth. Nevertheless, plaque is loosened during chewing, slowing down the formation of tartar. The natural bone from the ostrich can also be used perfectly during a diet. It is particularly low in fat and therefore suitable for overweight dogs to keep them occupied. Of course, the bone is gluten- and grain-free, as it is produced completely without additives. It is only gently dried in a special process. The minerals and trace elements contained in the bone remain largely intact. Tendons, meat and cartilage residues make the ostrich bone extremely tasty and interesting even for picky dogs. As the bone is made exclusively from ostrich, it is perfect for allergy sufferers.

Important note!

Please do not let your dog eat the whole bone at once. It only serves as an activity. Too much bone can lead to life-threatening constipation.

With heart & mind for your dog

All advantages at a glance

  • low in fat and cholesterol
  • rich in natural minerals and trace elements
  • for allergies / intolerances
  • long-lasting chewing fun
  • rich in protein
  • very suitable for larger breeds
  • for overweight dogs
  • grain- and gluten-free
  • gentle drying process
  • approx. 30 cm long
with Chew bone
with Ostrich

For all phases of life

Whether puppy, adult dog or senior - this product is suitable for all stages of life.

All body sizes

From Chihuahua to Great Dane, this product is suitable for all breeds and sizes.


According to the definition, hypoallergenic means "low allergenic". Hypoallergenic dog & cat food has a special - usually selective - composition that is tailored to nutrient intolerance symptoms. So-called single or monoprotein products play a major role here, as these can be optimally used for an exclusion diet.

Chew bone

Kauknochen sind nicht nur eine artgerechte Beschäftigung, sie unterstützen auch auf natürliche Weise die Zahnpflege. Durch das Kauen kann Zahnstein vermindert und die Zahnsteinbildung verlangsamt werden.

100% Single Protein

Single or monoprotein means that the feed consists of only one source of protein or type of meat. Since allergies and intolerances usually arise to certain proteins, it may be necessary to resort to selective products that contain or do not contain specific proteins.


Ergänzungsfuttermittel sind laut Futtermittelverordnung Mischfutter mit mindestens zwei Komponenten. Sie werden zusätzlich zu einem Alleinfuttermittel verabreicht und weisen oft einen erhöhten Anteil an Vitaminen, Mineralstoffen oder Spurenelementen auf. Eine alleinige Fütterung wäre nicht bedarfsdeckend.

    DeliBest - for all-round happy dogs and cats

    For almost 30 years, the ever-popular Delipet products have been produced with great care. Delipet attaches great importance to natural products that are produced with dedication and love for the animals. We rely on the best raw materials, modern production facilities and qualified employees to meet our own high expectations of the products. 

    Nestled in rural Baselland, we are a family-run company with more than 100 employees who live the values of our Swiss production and origin out of conviction.

    To the manufacturer
    • Ingredients


      Supplementary feed
      Ostrich bone dried
      Analytical components
      Protein 82,9 % Fat content 3,6 %
      Crude ash 4,6 % Humidity 8,9 %

    What the four-legged say

    Lisa Breckner

    Ria really had a blast with the huge ostrich bone. She was busy with it for quite a long time. Since it is very low in fat, you also don't have to worry about the dog getting too fat. 

    The ostrich bone is relatively light and therefore easier on the teeth, but still takes care of them. On the bone are still remnants of meat, tendons and cartilage, which Ria found totally great. The bone is also super suitable for allergy sufferers like Ria.

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    body size: Medium 10 - 25 kg, Mini up to 10 kg, Maxi from 26 kg
    life phase: Adult, Pregnancy, Puppy & Junior, Senior
    Protein Source: Chew bone, Ostrich
    Requirements: Intolerances, XL Bone, Gluten-free, Light, Single Protein, Grain-free
    Fodder type: Supplementary feed
    Animal: Dog

    Goes well with

    • PERRO-Tiernahrung-Premium-Menue-Light-Gefluegel-Strauss-Reis-410g-kalorienreduziertes-Nassfutter-fuer-Hunde-185070
      Complete menu Gluten-free Light
      PERRO Premium Menue Light Poultry, Ostrich and Rice
      • Dog
      • Poultry, Ostrich & Rice
      • Premium Menu
      • Complete food
      • rich in vitamins and minerals
      • rich in essential fatty acids
      • > 60% meat content
      • gluten-free

      Content: 0.41 kilogram (€7.12* / 1 kilogram)

      From €3.10*
      Variants from €2.92*
    • PERRO-Select-Strauss-Kartoffel-trockenfutter-hund-2-5-kg-181071
      Intolerances Gluten-free Single Protein
      PERRO Select Grainfree Ostrich & Potato
      • DOG
      • Premium dry food
      • Ostrich & Potato
      • Single Protein
      • gluten-free & grain-free
      • hypoallergenic
      • for feed intolerances
      • with dietary fibre
      • Complete feed

      Content: 2.5 kilogram (€9.41* / 1 kilogram)

      From €24.00*
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      All advantages